4D HYPE does not allow Contributions that impersonates individuals or entities in a misleading or deceptive manner. This includes creating and using 4D HYPE accounts to impersonate an individual or entity, but also encompasses Contributions which contain lookalike domains, as well as deep fakes or other manipulated Contributions presented to mimic, mislead, or falsely attribute to an individual or entity. While we permit satire and parody, we will always take into account the context of any particular content.
4D HYPE is quite open and pro-free speech, but it is never okay to for Contributions to contain someone's personal information or Contributions to contain links to someone’s personal information. This includes links to public social media pages pages and screenshots of other social media pages in particular when the names of individuals are still legible.
4D HYPE prohibits Contributions containing someone's personal information and any sort of vigilantism. When posting any Contributions always be sure to edit out any personally identifiable information and personal data.
Public figures are generally an exception to these prohibitions, i.e. such as Contributions that contain professional links to contact a MP or even the CEO of a company.
If you are logged in to your 4D HYPE account, you can submit a report for any Contributions that contain or may violate any of the prohibitions mentioned above. To submit a report directly from a Contributions page, click ‘Make report’, from the ‘Send report’ box select ‘?’ from the available report types.
If you don't have a 4D HYPE account, you can always submit a report here by selecting ‘Report Content Policy Violation’ from the drop down list under the ‘What do you need assistance with?‘ and then selecting ‘?’ from the drop down list under ‘Policy Violation: *’. When completing the form please include as much information as possible including the URL(s) where applicable of the Contributions within the ‘Details of inquiry: *’ box.