Encouraging or assisting suicide (or attempted suicide) or serious self-harm

4D HYPE prohibits Contributions that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for or assists a person to take part in acts where serious injury may result; or self-harm or to end their life and even if these Contributions are not targeted towards any specific person or persons they are still not prohibited. And 4D HYPE prohibits Contributions that glamorize or celebrate suicide or serious self-harm or that contain graphic images relating to serious self-harm or suicide. We prohibit Contributions that contain health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to anyone that would read it. NOTE: And 4D HYPE prohibits Contributions that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for or assists a person into eating disorders and even if these Contributions are not targeted towards any specific person or persons they are still not prohibited (in reference to all the aforementioned prohibitions, we also prohibit Contributions attempting, conspiring, encouraging, assisting, or aiding and abetting the commission and/or facilitation of these). We understand there are sometimes reasons to post these Contributions e.g. a political discussion of the law on assisting suicide and that they may be discussions on the fact that assisting suicide is lawful in some countries.

Here's a non-exhaustive list of examples of Contributions that would violate these prohibitions:

  • Contributions containing imagery or text that incites, glorifies, or encourages self-harm or suicide, examples of encouragement could be but not limited to blackmail or egging someone on.
  • Contributions that requests, gives instructions, gives tips and ideas on ways to self-harm or commit suicide.
  • Encouraging users to engage in harmful behaviour via serious self-harm ‘challenges’; and/or choking games.
  • Contributions which amounts to an inducement to enter into a ‘suicide pact’.
  • Contributions requesting meanspo and Contributions posing as online ‘coaches’, targeting people with a technique called ‘meanspo’ (meanspo:- being mean in order to inspire or encourage eating disorder behaviours). Examples include ‘coaches’ verbally abusing users to encourage their eating disorders.

If you are logged in to your 4D HYPE account, you can submit a report for any Contributions that contain or may violate these prohibitions. To submit a report directly from a Contributions page, click ‘Make report’, from the ‘Send report’ box select ‘Someone is considering suicide or serious self- harm’ from the available report types.

If you don't have a 4D HYPE account, you can always submit a report here by selecting ‘Report Suicide / Self-Harm’ from the drop down list under the ‘What do you need assistance with?‘. When completing the form please include as much information as possible including the URL(s) where applicable of the Contributions within the ‘Details of inquiry: *’ box.

What do I do if someone talks about seriously hurting themselves or is considering suicide?

When you see Contributions about suicidal feelings, it can be overwhelming, and you may feel like you don’t know what to do. But you can help, and there are resources available for you and the person you’re worried about.

Within the UK, you can Call, E-mail or Visit the UK’s Samaritans.

You’ll be connected to a Samaritan.

Within the U.S., you can SMS, Chat or WhatsApp the Crisis Text Line

You’ll be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line.

What do I do if I’m thinking of seriously hurting myself or considering suicide?

When you’re in the middle of something like this, it may feel like you don’t have a lot of options. But regardless of whatever you’re going through, you do deserve help and there are people and resources that are here for you.

Within the UK, you can Call, E-mail or Visit the UK’s Samaritans.

You’ll be connected to a Samaritan, who will be there to listen and talk through your concerns, worries, and troubles. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7.

Within the U.S., you can SMS, Chat or WhatsApp the Crisis Text Line

You’ll be connected to a Crisis Counsellor from Crisis Text Line, who is will be there to listen and provide you support and guidance, whatever the situation. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7.

Many people that want to talk to someone aren't necessarily contemplating harm, but they might be grappling with issues like loneliness, grief, relationship woes, anxiety, isolation, substance abuse, bullying, or the feeling of being overwhelmed or misunderstood. The resources and individuals mentioned earlier are ready to assist you, regardless of what you're facing.

Identifying your emotions or understanding the situation might be challenging depending on your circumstances. Remember signs of depression can be subtle—feeling sadness, fatigue, a lack of motivation, or changes in appetite could be indicators of something more significant.

If you think you might be dealing with depression or facing challenges, consider reaching out to the aforementioned resources, a family member, or a friend. It might not seem like it, but options are available and there are people willing to listen and paths to move forward.

If you don't have a 4D HYPE account, you can always submit a report here by selecting ‘Report Content Policy Violation’ from the drop down list under the ‘What do you need assistance with?‘ and then selecting ‘?’ from the drop down list under ‘Policy Violation: *’. When completing the form please include as much information as possible including the URL(s) where applicable of the Contributions within the ‘Details of inquiry: *’ box.